Little Sitter

Little Sitter Sessions show off your baby's new skill - sitting unaided! This age is so much fun to photograph! These sessions are always full of smiles, laughter and fun!

Your little one is no longer a newborn, so its time to photograph their next milestones.

Sitter sessions are best when baby is sitting unaided but not quite able to stand and walk. At this age your baby’s personality really starts to show, every session captures their true personality – from those inquisitive frowns to their adorable giggles and everything in between.

Smash & Splash

Smash & Splash sessions are the next milestone sessions, when your baby turns 1 years old. It's their very first birthday and what a way to celebrate it by letting them enjoy smashing up a cake or fruit (or perhaps something else) and just having fun! (Other birthday sessions available if your little one doesn't like cake or mess)